
MCQ Series 8

351. Causes of  Apple core sign femur synovial chondromatosis (Most common) pigmented villonodular synovitis amyloidosis rheumatoid arthritis 352.  Anterior tibial translation/translocation  > 7mm is highly suggestive of Anterior cruciate ligament tear. 353.  Laryngo-tracheo bronchitis  or croup is the commonest cause of tracheal narrowing. 354. Most common primary malignant tumor of parotid gland -  Mucoepidermoid carcinoma . 355. Type 3 accessory navicular bone - is called a  cornuate navicular . 356.  Myoinositol  concentrations in brain are abnormally increased in patients with demyelinating disease and alzheimer's. Detected by MR spectriscopy. 357.  Morel Lavalle lesion  - degloving injury in severe trauma resulting in abrupt separation of the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue from the underlying fascia. 358. Overproduction of protein and lipid rich material from Type II pneumocytes which is not cleared by lungs - lead...


Lignocaine LIGNOCAINE  Dose of lignocaine for spinal anesthesia is 5% Maximum safe dose of lignocaine with adrenaline is 7 mg/kg wt Maximum safe dose of lignocaine for spinal anesthesia is 25-100 mg Concentration of lignocaine is used in epidural anaesthesia is 2% Maximum dose of lignocaine which can be given with adrenaline for ocular blocks is 7mg/kg Local anaesthetics acts by blocking nerve conduction. Small fibers and non myelinated fibers are blocked more easily than large myelinated fibers. Lignocaine is used as anesthetic and class IB antiarrhythmic in 2% jelly, 4% injection form 2-10% is the concentration of lignocaine used for topical anaesthesia High first pass metabolism is seen in Lignocaine Lignocaine is used in Ventricular tachycardia Best used in digoxin induced arrhythmia Lignocaine Drug of choice in lignocaine toxicity is Diazepam Lignocaine can be used in Ventricular fibrillation, Spinal anaesthesia ...

Mcqs series 7

301.  Thrombospondins (TSP)  has anti-angiogenic abilities 302. Infectious diseases  communicable during the later part of the incubation period  are - Measles, chickenpox, whooping cough, hepatitis A. 303.  Fredericson classification  - medial tibial stress syndrome 304.  Bismuth-Corlette classification  - perihilar cholangiocarcinoma 305.  Luftsichel sign  &  juxtaphrenic peak sign  - Left Upper Lobe collapse         Flat waist sign  - Left Lower Lobe collapse. 306. Most common hepatic malignancy in children is  Hepatoblastoma . 307. Most common anomaly associated with coarctation of aorta is  bicuspid aortic valve . 308.  4th Ventricle Ependymoma vs Meduloblastoma E pendymoma - usually from  F loor of 4th ventricle  (Mnemonic - Alphabetic order EF) M eduloblastoma - usually from  R oof of 4th ventricle 309. Most common tumor of mediastinum -  neurogenic tumor . ...

Mcq series 6

251. Most common type of  disproportionate dwarfism  : Achondroplasia 252. Commonest  fatal neonatal dysplasia  : Thanatophoric dwarfism. 253. Platyspondyly with  central vertebral beaking  is the diagnostic hallmark of Morquio's disease. 254.  PNDT act  - 1994, But  PCPNDT act  (amendment in PNDT act ) - 2003. 255. Pulmonary hypertension :  Main  pulmonary artery > 28.6 mm,                                                Right descending pulmonary artery  > 16mm 256. Speed of ultrasound in soft tissue :  1540 m/sec. 257. Natural global radiation : Average yearly radiation dose is  2.7 mSv 258.  International commission on radiological protection (ICRP)  was founded in 1928 259.  Atomic energy act  - 1962 260. Radionuclides  K40 and C14  are present in human bo...

Mcqs series 5

201. Most common site of   iatrogenic esophageal perforation  is Cricopharynx ( as its the narrowest part of GIT , with exception of vermiform appendix ) 202. Important  25 cm  structures : Oesophagus Duodenum Thoracic duct Ureter. 203.  Accordion sign  is seen with pseudomembranous colitis. 204. Most commonly symptomatic Plica is  Medial Patellar plica. Plica is embryological remnant of synovial membrane at patello-femoral joint. 205. The commonest cause of  anterior  knee pain is softening of the cartilage on the underside of the patella =  Chondromalacia patella = Patellofemoral syndrome. 206. Most common congenital anomaly of urinary tract is  Duplex collecting system. 207.  Central dot sign  is seen in Caroli disease. 208. The  bear's paw sign  is seen in xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis. 209. Coins in the  oesophagus  are oriented in the  coronal plane  whereas coins in the  trach...

Mcqs series 4

151.  Sitting Duck shaped Heart  is seen in Persistant Truncus Arteriosus. 152.  Sherman paradox  is seen in Fragile X syndrome. (It is  Anticipation  phenomenon in Fragile X syn) 153.  Trethowans sign  is positive in slipped femoral epiphysis. Normally : If an anteroposterior view of the hip joint is taken then a line drawn along the superior surface of the neck should pass through the femoral head. ( This line is  Klein's Line  ) If the line remains superior to the femoral head then this is termed Trethowans sign. 154. Amrinone and Milrinone - Side effect -  Thrombocytopenia. 155. In  PSVT  (Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia), QRS is normal. 156. DOC for typical absence seizures:  Ethosuximide  157. DOC for atypical absence seizures:  Valproate 158.  Hyperventilation  provokes absence seizures. 159.  Ring enhancing lesion  on CECT Brain - think about NCC and Tuberculomas. 160....

Random topic discussion :Autism ,Perineal laceration, Lignocaine

Autism INTRODUCTION : Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the name for a range of similar conditions, including Asperger syndrome, that affect a person’s social interaction, communication, interests and behaviour. In children with ASD, the symptoms are present before three years of age, although a diagnosis can sometimes be made after the age of three. There’s no “cure” for ASD, but speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, educational support, plus a number of other interventions are available to help children and parents. Signs of ASD: Spoken language Delayed speech development , or not speaking at all Frequent repetition of set words and phrases Speech that sounds very monotonous. Preferring to communicate using single words Responding to others Not responding to their name being called. Rejecting cuddles initiated by a parent or carer Reacting unusually negatively Interacting with others Being unusually intolerant of people entering their own personal space Littl...