Eustachean Tube and some other middle ear disease

Eustachian Tube : 

 # 26 mm in length 

# Outer 12 mm bony , inner 14mm cartilaginous 

# At birth it is a horizontal tube . 

# In adult it makes an angle of 45 degree with the horizontal 

#  It opens 1.25 cm behind the posterior end of inferior turbinate . Closure of the tube is apassive process . 

# It opens during swallowing with the help of tensor tympani muscle 

Eustachian Tube Test :

1) Tympanometry (Best) 

2) ET catheterization 

3) Politzerization 

4) Valsalva 


# Tubotympanic CSOM 

# Characterised by presence of  permanent central perforation , some margin of Tympanic membrane left all around the perforation 

Marginal perforation is seen in unsafe CSOM 

C/F : 1) Ear discharge : Mucopurulent , not foul smelling , not blood stained , no bone erosion , no granulation  

2) Hearing loss : Conductive 

# Middle ear polyp formation may be seen ( pale polypi) 
# Ossicular erosion may be seen 

Note : Most common ossicle to be eroded is long process of incus b/o least blood supply 

Ossicular erosion will increase hearing loss 

Investigation : Pure Tone Audiometry 

Treatment of  Choice : Tympanoplasty 

Myringoplasty : It is the repair of tympanic membrane perforation using a graft .  
Temporalis fascia  is most commonly used Ear should be dry for at least 6 weeks before surgery 
Tympanoplasty : It is inspection and repair of middle ear ossicles in addition to myringoplasty.
5 types : Type 1 : All ossicles found normal 

               Type 2 : Malleus eroded . Graft is placed over incus 

               Type 3 : Malleus and Incus eroded . Graft is placed Stapes , a/k/a Myringo Stapedioplasty = Columella Tympanoplasty 

              Type 4 :  Malleus , incus and stapes head eroded , only foot plate is eroded . Graft is placed over round window , done to maintain the phase difference between 2 windows . 

             Type 5: Fenestration operation , not done now a days . It is treatment of otosclerosis 

 Ossicular replacement prosthesis:: 

# These are artificial ossicles . 
# made of Titanium or Teflon 
# 2 types : 1) Partial for type 3 
                 2) Total for type 4 

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