ENT One Liners

MC type of nasopharyngeal cancer : SCC
MC sinus malignancy : Maxillary
MC sinus osteoma and mucocele :Frontal
MC cause of CSF rhinorrhoea : Fracture ethmoid
MC fracture of face : Nasal bone,Zygoma
MC site of oral Cancer : World – LIP , India -Buccal mucosa
Mc ossicle eroded in CSOM : Long process of Incus
MC complication of CSOM : Mastoiditis
MC extracranial coplication of CSOM : Mastoiditis
MC intracranial complication of CSOM : Meningitis
Mc part of facial nerve injured during MRM :1) Vertical segment 2) Genu
MC part of facial nerve damaged in unsafe CSOM : Horizontal segment
MC site of otogenic brain abscess : 1) Temporal lobe 2)Cerebellum
MC site of malignancy in Hypopharynx : Pyriform sinus
First sign of cavernous thrombosis : 7th nerve palsy
MC nerve injurd in thyroid surgery : superior laryngeal nerve
MC cause of U/L vocal cord palsy : Ca bronchus
MC congenital laryngeal anomaly : Laryngomalacia
MC carcinoma larynx : Glottic SCC
MC tracheostomy :Mid (2nd-4th tracheal ring )
MC sinusitis : Child -Ethmoid ,Adult -Maxillary
MC sinusitis complicated by osteomyelitis : Child-Maxillary ,Adult-Frontal (Pott’s puffy tumour )
First sinus to develop : Maxillary then ethmoid,spiorhenoid and frontal (6y after birth )
MC involved in vestibular schwannoma : Inferior vestibular nerve >Superior vestibular nerve >Cochlear nerve
MC structure damaged in surgery of Ranula : Lingual nerve
MC route of pitutary surgery: Trans spenoidal (nose)
MC and earliest manifestion of carcinoma glottis : Hoarseness of voice
MC cause of ASOM in children : Streptococcus Pneumonae




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This website contains study material prepared by a group of medicos for preparation of NEET PG . Competition for grabbing a seat for medical post graduation is becoming tougher and tougher. This is because in India the ratio of passed MBBS and post graduation seats is quite unfair leading to large backlog of aspirants .Entrance examination which is conducted by NBE is changing its face too frequently . Just a year back it was prometric which changes suddenly to single paper based with negative marks in last year , i.e 2017 . Multiple coching institutes are booming up with a burden of huge fee structure . We to were medicos and we have cracked seats recently . We are here to help our juniors . The main 'mantra' of success is ' Stick to your notes' . WE are trying to generate free online notes which can be printed out easily and of course free of cost .BEST OF LUCK GUYS !!!!


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