Oneliners Collection 1

What is associated with: Orphan Annie cells? Papillary carcinoma of the ovary
What is associated with: Russell bodies? Multiple myeloma
What isassociated with: Reinke’s crystals? Leydig cell tumor
What is associated with: Blue sclera? Osteogenesis imperfecta
What isassociated with: Soap-bubble appearance on an x-ray? Giant cell tumorof the bone
What is associated with: Pseudorosettes? Ewing’s sarcoma
What isassociated with: Lucid interval? Epidural hematoma
What isassociated with: Bloody tap on lumbar puncture? Subarachnoid hemorrhage
What is associated with: Pseudopalisades? Glioblastoma multiforme
What isassociated with: Charcot-Leyden crystals? Bronchial asthma (eosinophil membranes)
What is associated with: Cafe au fait spot on the skin? Neurofibromatosis
What is associated with: Streaky ovaries? Turner’s syndrome
What isassociated with: Keratin pearls? Squamous cell carcinoma
What is associated with: Signet ring cells? Gastric carcinoma
What isassociated with: Mallory’s bodies? Chronic alcoholism
What is associated with: Blue-domed cysts? Fibrocystic changeof the breast
What is associated with: Schiller-Duval bodies? Yolk sac tumor
What is associated with: Senile plaques? Alzheimer’s disease
What is associated with: WBCs in the urine? Acute cystitis
What is associated with: RBCs in the urine? Bladder carcinoma
What is associated with: RBC castsin the urine? Acute glomerulonephritis
What is associated with: WBC casts in the urine? Acute pyelonephritis
What is associated with: Renal epithelial casts in the urine? Acute toxic or viral nephrosis
What is associated with: Waxy casts? Chronic end-stage renal disease
What is the most common: Cause of chronic metal poisoning? Lead
What is the most common: Cause of congenital cyanotic heart disease? Tetralogy of Fallot
What is the most common: Congenital cardiac anomaly? Ventricular septal defect (VSD)
What is the most common: Cardiac tumor? Left atrial myxoma
What isthe most common: Vasculitis? Temporal arteritis
What isthe most common: Primary tumorof the liver? Hemangioma (benign)
What is the most common: Primary malignant tumor of the lungs? Adenocarcinoma (30% to 35%)
What is the most common: Cause of nephrotic syndrome? Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
What isthe most common: cause of nephrotic syndrome in children? Lipoid nephrosis
What is the most common: Organism that causes pyelonephritis? Escherichia coli
What is the most common: Renal cell cancer type? Clear cell
What is the most common: Tumor of the liver? Metastatic cancer(GI, breast, lungs)
What is the most common: Malignant tumor of the esophagus? Squamous cell carcinoma
What is the most common: Tumor arising within the bone? Multiple myeloma
What is the most common: Primary malignant tumor of the female genital tract in the world? Cervical neoplasia
What is the most common: Primary malignant tumor of the female genital tract in the US? Adenocarcinoma of the cervix
What is the most common: Tumor of the female genitourinary tract? Leiomyoma
What is the most common: Benign tumor of the ovary? Serocystadenoma
What is the most common: Benign tumor of the breast? Fibroadenoma
What is the most common: Benign lesion that affects the breast? Fibrocystic change of the breast
What is the most common: Malignant tumor of the breast? Invasive ductal carcinoma
What is the most common: Tumor in men between the ages of 15 and35? Testicular tumors
What is the most common: Germ cell tumor in men? Seminoma
What is the most common: Testicular tumor in infants and children? Yolk sac tumor
What is the most common: Malignant germ cell tumor in women? Choriocarcinoma
What is the most common: Solidtumor in the body? Nephroblastoma
What is the most common: Acquired GI emergency of infancy? Necrotizing enterocolitis of infancy
What is the most common: Primary malignant tumor of the ovary? Serocystadenocarcinoma
What is the most common: Cardiac tumor of infancy? Rhabdomyoma
What is the most common: Acute metal poisoning? Arsenic
What is the most common: Proliferative abnormality ofan internal organ? Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
What is the most common: Malignant tumor in the bone of teenagers? Osteosarcoma
What is the most common: Site of a cerebral infarct? Middle cerebral artery
What is the most common: Cause of dementia between the ages of 60 and90 years? Alzheimer’s disease
What is the most common: Primary CNS tumor in adults? Glioblastoma multiforme
What is the most common: Primary CNS tumor in children? Medullablastoma
What is the most common: Tumor on sun- exposed sites? Basal cell carcinoma
What is the most common: Chromosomal disorder? Down syndrome(trisomy 21)

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