Physiology Hot Topic Discussion

Skeletal Muscle Contractions – Characteristics

Characteristics include:
  • All or none law.
  • Stimulus-response relationship.
  • Frequency of stimulus.
  • Motor unit recruitment.
  • Starling’s Law.
  • Isometric contractions
  • Muscle Tone.
  • Denervation hypersensitivity.
1. “All or none law”:
  • Motor unit is “Motor neuron collectively with all its peripheral branches & innervated muscle fibers”.
  • Motor unit obey all or none law.
  • Ie., On stimulation, either all motor unit fibers will contract maximally or not contract at all.
  • This depends upon stimulus intensity (threshold/subthreshold).
  • Motor unit is “Unit of contraction”.
  • Nerve fiber is “Unit of activation”.
Concentration of motor unit:
  • 3-6 fibers in a motor unit:
  • Seen with muscles for fine, graded & precise movement.
  • Eg: Fingers & eye.
600-1000 muscle fibers per unit:
  • Seen with muscles for gross movements.
  • Eg: Leg.
2. Stimulus-Response relationship:
  • Contractile response depends on stimulus strength.
  • With increasing stimulus strength → Number of contracting motor units increases.
  • Hence, 
  • Increased no. of contracting motor units→ Stronger muscle contraction.
3. Frequency of stimulus:
  • Increased frequency of stimulation → Increases contraction strength & frequency of activation of motor units.
This explains, 
Simple muscle twitch:
  • Contractile response of a skeletal muscle to a single brief stimulus.
  • Due to summation of twitches.
Partial/Incomplete tetanus:
  • State of repetitive muscle contractions separated by partial relaxation, at slower frequency of stimulation.
Complete tetanus:
  • State of sustained muscle contraction, at higher frequency of stimulation.
Post-tetanic potentiation:
  • Phenomenon of “Repetitive stimulation enhancing force development due to increased intracellular Ca2+.
Mechanism behind:
  • Ca2+concentration in sarcoplasm determines muscle tension to produce tetanus.
During single twitch:
  • Ca2+ released into sarcoplasm insufficient for tetanic tension.
On rapid & successive muscle stimulation:
  • With each stimulus Ca2+ efflux into sarcoplasm.
  • Thus, progressive sarcoplasmic Ca2+ accumulation.
On maximum sarcoplasmic Ca2+ levels:
  • Muscle tension created.
For tetanic response:
  • Tetanic tension is about four times twitch tension.
4. Motor unit recruitment:
  • Start of muscle contraction – Smallest motor units contract first.
  • On insufficient power generation, larger motor units are recruited.
  • “Henneman principle”/”Size principle”
  • Order of recruitment from smaller to larger motor unit.
  • Increases contraction strength 
5. Starlings law:
Explains that, 
  • There is an optimal length at which force generated by muscle is maximal.
  • Ie., Upto a certain limit,
  • Greater the initial length/length at relaxed state ——> Greater is contraction force.
6. Isotonic Vs isometric contraction
Isotonic contraction:
  • Contraction with change of length at constant tension.
  • Tension is equal to weight lifted during muscle contraction.
Isometric contraction:
  • Contraction with increased tension & constant length.
  • Generates more contraction force.
  • Gym exercises are isotonic type.
  • Involves change in muscle length with constant tension.
  • Requires greater energy than isometric contraction.
  • Thus, isotonic exercise best increases muscle strength.
7. Tonus:
  • State of muscles in partial contraction.
  • Defined as “Muscle resistance to passive stretch”.
  • Involves γ-motor neuron activity for contraction.
  • Assessed by observing resistance offered by muscle to passive stretch.
8. Denervation hypersensitivity:
  • Destruction of skeletal muscle nerve supply causes –
  • Abnormal muscle excitability.
  • Increased sensitivity to circulating acetylcholine.
  • Fine irregular contraction of individual fiber.
  • Classically in lower motor neuron lesion.
  • Not visible grossly.
  • On motor nerve regeneration, fibrillation disappears.
Fasiculations – 
  • Jerky, visible contractions.
  • Occurs with group of muscle fibers/complete motor unit supplied by motor neuron.
9. Muscle fiber type:
Type I/slow motor units:
  • Have early recruitment.
Type II motor units:
  • Type IIa/“Fast-Fatigue Resistant” (FR) motor units.
  • Type IIb/“Fast-Fatigable” motor units.
Factors increasing force of muscle contraction:
  • Increased number of motor units.
  • Increasing frequency of stimulus (Tetanic stimulus).
  • Increasing stimulus strength.
  • Appropriate initial length.
  • Larger motor unit recruitment (Henneman principle).
  • Type II/fast unit.
  • Isometric contraction
  • Characteristics of skeletal muscle contractions include:
  • All or none law.
  • Stimulus-response relationship.
  • Frequency of stimulus.
  • Motor unit recruitment.
  • Starling’s Law.
  • Isometric contractions
  • Muscle Tone.
  • Denervation hypersensitivity.
  • Motor unit obey all or none law.
  • Unit of activation – Nerve fiber.
  • Unit of contraction – Motor unit. 
3-6 fibers in a motor unit
  • Seen with muscles for fine graded & precise movement
  • Eg: Fingers & eye.
  • Contractile response depends on strength of stimulus.
  • With increasing stimulus strength → Number of contracting motor units increase.
  • Larger number of motor units contracting → Stronger muscle contraction.
  • Strength of contraction is increased by increasing frequency of stimulation.
  • This, in turn increases frequency of activation of motor units.
  • Tetanus is due to summation of twitches.
  • On stimulating muscle in rapid succession, there is progressive sarcoplasmic Ca2+ accumulation.
  • Tetanic tension is reached when sarcoplasmic Ca2+ levels reach their maximum.
  • Tetanic tension is about four times the twitch tension.
  • Larger motor units recruited on insufficient power generation.
  • “Henneman principle”/ “Size principle”:
  • Order of recruitment from smaller to larger motor unit.
  • This increases contraction strength 
  • According to Starlings law, there is an optimal length at which force generated by a muscle is maximal.
  • Isotonic contraction: Contraction in which there is change of length at constant tension.
  • Isometric contraction: Contraction in which there is constant length with increased tension.
  • Hence, generates more force of contraction/tension.
  • Muscle strength is best increased by isotonic exercise.
  • Exercises one does in the gym are isotonic exercises as muscle length changes in each step but not tension.
  • Tonus involves γ-motor neuron activity leading to muscular contraction.
  • Fine irregular contraction of individual fiber appears, referred as “Fibrillation”.
  • Fasiculations – Jerky, visible contractions of muscle group.
Type II motor units:
  • Type IIa/”Fast-Fatigue Resistant” (FR) units.
  • Type IIb/”Fast-Fatigable” units.
Factors increasing force of muscle contraction include:
  • Increased number of motor units.
  • Increasing frequency of stimulus (Tetanic stimulus)
  • Larger motor unit recruitment (Henneman principle)

Nerve Conduction

  • Neuron – Basic unit & functional unit of nervous tissue.
  • Specialized for function of reception, integration, & transmission of information within body.
  • Nerve cell has cell body “Soma” with 5-7 small processes called ‘Dendrites’.
  • Continuing as “Axon hillock” – Thickened area of cell body.
  • Origination point for long process “Axon”.
  • First portion of axon is called “Initial segment”.
  • Nerve fibers may be myelinated/unmyelinated.
  • Schwann cells:
  • Found both in myelinated & non-myelinated nerve fibers of PNS.
  • ln myelinated nerves – Provide structural support & form myelin sheath.
  • In non-myelinated nerves – Provide only structural support.
Functional division of neuron:
  • 4 zones –
1. Receptor zone:
  • Dendrites & cell body – Soma.
2. Transmitter zone:
  • Transmits nerve impulse – Axon.
3. Generator area:
  • Point of impulse origination/generation.
  • Mainly at Axon hillock of body & initial segment of axon.
  • Due to their lowest excitation threshold.
  • Also contain higher density of voltage-gated sodium channels.
4. Release zone:
  • Release neurotransmitters – Nerve terminals.
Orthodromic” vs “Antidromic” conduction:
  • Experimentally, an axon can conduct impulse in either direction.
  • When an AP initiated in middle of axon, impulse shall travel in both direction.
  • One along axon towards its terminal knobs.
  • Another (opposite) towards cell body soma & dendrites.
“Orthodromic conduction”:
  • In Natural situation(intact body), impulses conducted unidirectionally only.
  • I.e. From synaptic junction/receptors along axons to their termination.
“Antidromic conduction”:
  • Conduction opposite to physiological direction.
  • Very rare & seen only in muscle tissue.
  • In nerve fibers, AP propagation is unidirectional (orthodromic) to synapse/NM junction.
  • Presence of neurotransmitters at presynaptic terminal producing required effect.
Factors favoring nerve conduction: 
  • Low axoplasmic resistance (Ri).
  • Low external longitudinal resistance (Ro).
  • High membrane resistance (Rm).
  • Low membrane capacitance (Cm).
  • Thick (large) nerve → Linear relation with conduction.
  • Myelination of nerve.
  • High space & time constant.
Myelination & nerve conduction:
Main purpose of myelin sheath:
1. To increase impulse conduction speed.
  • Conduction is faster in myelinated nerve than in unmyelinated.
  • Impulses jump from one node of Ranvier to next node; Hence, faster.
  • Referred as “Saltatory conduction” or “Propagation by Saltation”.
  • Note: In unmyelinated fibers, impulses move continuously as waves.
2. Nerve myelination decreases membrane capacitance.
  • Allows faster depolarization ↑es AP speed propagation.
  • Membrane capacitance & nerve conduction:
  • Measure of quantity of charge that must be moved across a unit area of membrane producing unit change in membrane potential.
  • Membrane with high capacitance  Ions crossing membrane is high Slower AP conduction.
  • With low capacitance → Ions crossing is less→ faster AP conduction.
Exam Question 
NERVE CONDUCTIONPoint of impulse origination:
  • In a motor neuron, axon hillock & initial segment of axon have lowest excitation threshold.
  • Because they have a much higher density of voltage-gated sodium channels.
  • Axon hillock of body & initial segment of axon→ Generator area (Nerve impulse is generated).
  • Schwann cells are found both in myelinated & non-myelinated nerve fibers of peripheral nervous system.
  • ln myelinated nerves Schwann cells provide structural support & form myelin sheath.
  • Schwann cells are derived from neuroectoderm 
  • Experimentally, an axon can conduct impulse in either direction.
  • In Natural situation, impulses are conducted in one direction only (in an intact body)
  • I.e. From synaptic junction or receptors along axons to their termination.
  • Such conduction is called “Orthodromic conduction”.
“Antidromic conduction”:
  • Conduction in opposite direction (i.e., opposite to physiological direction).
Direction of flow in nerve fiber:
  • In nerve fibers, action potential propagation is unidirectional (orthodromic)
  • I.e., In natural situation, impulses travel only orthodomically.
Reason for unidirectional flow:
  • Conduction is unidirectional at synapses or in NM junction
  • Because, transmission across synapses & NM function is unidirectional
  • Inturn due to presence of neurotransmitters at terminal end of axon (Presynaptic terminal)
  • Propagation of action potential (nerve conduction) is favored by, 
  • Low axoplasmic resistance (Ri).
  • High membrane resistance (Rm).
  • Low membrane capacitance (Cm).
  • Thick (large) nerve →  Linear relation with conduction.
  • Myelination of nerve.
1. Effect of myelination on conduction of AP:
  • The rate of propagation of nerve impulse is faster in a myelinated nerve fiber than in unmyelinated nerve fiber.
Main purpose of myelin sheath:
  • Is to increase in speed at which impulses propagate along myelinated fiber.
  • In myelinated fibers, they jump from one node of Ranvier to next node.
  • So propagation is much faster.
  • This type of conduction of nerve impulse in myelinated nerves is called “Saltatory conduction” or “Propagation by Saltation”.
  • Myelination of nerve decreases membrane capacitance.
  • Allows depolarization to occur very fast. 
  • So, myelination increase speed of action potential propagation.
2. Membrane capacitance:
  • Measure of quantity of charge that must be moved across a unit area of membrane to produce a unit change in membrane potential.
  • If membrane has low capacitance → Number of ions (charge) crossing membrane is less.
  • Hence, faster AP conduction.

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