ASOM  ( Acute Suppurative Otitis Media ) : It is the infection of middle ear mucosa by pyogenic organism . Infection reaches middle ear via Eustachian tube from pharynx .

 MC organism : Streptococcus pneumoniae 

  C/c : Earache On examination : Tympanic membrane is red , capillaries of tympanic membrane are dilated ( cart wheel appearance ) Treatment : Medical management 

 Note : In ASOM patient if there is severe earache plus red bulging tympanic membrane treatment of choice is Myringotomy .Myringotomy for ASOM is done for posteroinferior quadrant . 

 In ASOM in case of perforation if the ear is kept dry it heals by itself . If it remains wet skin grows at the margin of perforation .


      It is the infection of mastoid air cell system . It is the complication of ASOM or CSOM . 

 C/F Fever 

        Pain behind the ear 

        Profuse ear discharge ( some pus is retrospectively transferred from mastoid to middle ear : reservoir sign is positive = pulsatile otorrhea = 'LIGHT HOUSE SIGN'  

  Sign : 1st sign : Ironing of mastoid surface = smooth mastoid surface due to oedema 

  Treatment : IV antibiotic for 48 hours ----->  if no relief surgery done . Cortical mastoidectomy a/c/s Schwartz operation  . 2 steps of this surgery :  2 'E's : E -Expose the disease  E- Excise the disease 

 4) Petrositis : a/k/s Gradenigo's  syndrome . It is a complication of ASOM or CSOM .

                         C/F Triad - Ear discharge 

                                            Retro orbital pain due to 5th nerve involvement 

                                            Diplopia due to 6th nerve involvement 

 Treatment : Surgery 




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This website contains study material prepared by a group of medicos for preparation of NEET PG . Competition for grabbing a seat for medical post graduation is becoming tougher and tougher. This is because in India the ratio of passed MBBS and post graduation seats is quite unfair leading to large backlog of aspirants .Entrance examination which is conducted by NBE is changing its face too frequently . Just a year back it was prometric which changes suddenly to single paper based with negative marks in last year , i.e 2017 . Multiple coching institutes are booming up with a burden of huge fee structure . We to were medicos and we have cracked seats recently . We are here to help our juniors . The main 'mantra' of success is ' Stick to your notes' . WE are trying to generate free online notes which can be printed out easily and of course free of cost .BEST OF LUCK GUYS !!!!


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