# It is a pearly grey in colour # Oval 9-10 mm in diameter # surface area 90 sq mm # Outer part is more mobile than central part . # The effective surface area is 55 sq mm . # It is lying at an angle of 55 degree with horizontal  # Posterosuperior part is more lateral than anterolateral part . # Shows mobility on Seigelisation ( Putting air pressure on ear drum ) 

# Landmarks : 1 ) Handle of Malleus 2 ) Lateral process of malleus 3) Cone of light produced by refecltion of light from handle of malleus . Seen in  right ear at 5 o' clock position and Left ear at 7 o' clock position . 5 ) Umbo 

                                               IT has 2 part 1) Pars Tensa : which again has 3 layers a) SKIN                                                   b) Fibrous layer c) Mucosa 

                                                                      2) Pars Flacida : It has 2 layers a) Skin b) Mucosa 

Uses of Siegel Speculum : 1) To check the mobility of TM 2) To suck all secretions from middle ear 3) Fistula sign can be evaluated = If there is inner ear fistula , on pressure by siegel speculum there is vertigo . 4) To spray antibiotics in EAC 

  Nerve supply of tympanic membrane: Lateral Surface : Same 

 as EAC . Anteriorly : Auriculotemporal nerve 

                Posteriorly : Auricular branch of vagus . 

   Medial surface : Toward the middle ear it is same as sensory 

 supply of ME by tympanic branch of Glossopharyngeal nerve a/k/s Jacobson's nerve .*** This nerve is the cause of referred otalgia in many conditions like Tonsillitis , after Tonsillectomy , Stylalgia or Ca of base of the tongue . 


  # It is due to negative middle ear pressure caused by ET blockage. 

  # Dull in appearance 

 # Handle of MAlleus medialised 

  # Lateral process of malleus become more prominent .

  # Cone of light is absent . 

  # On siegelisation mobility absent or reduced . 

    RETRACTION POCKET: : There is much more retraction . It is more commonl;y seen in Pars flaccida . These are lined by skin and filled with keratin .

Siegel's speculum 

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This website contains study material prepared by a group of medicos for preparation of NEET PG . Competition for grabbing a seat for medical post graduation is becoming tougher and tougher. This is because in India the ratio of passed MBBS and post graduation seats is quite unfair leading to large backlog of aspirants .Entrance examination which is conducted by NBE is changing its face too frequently . Just a year back it was prometric which changes suddenly to single paper based with negative marks in last year , i.e 2017 . Multiple coching institutes are booming up with a burden of huge fee structure . We to were medicos and we have cracked seats recently . We are here to help our juniors . The main 'mantra' of success is ' Stick to your notes' . WE are trying to generate free online notes which can be printed out easily and of course free of cost .BEST OF LUCK GUYS !!!!


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