Facial Nerve

Facial nerve : Facial nerve enters the ear through the internal auditory meatus . 

                      In ear it passes through a bony canal known as Fallopian canal . It has 3 segments : 1) Labyrinthine 2) Horizontal 3) Vertical 

Labyrinthine segment = narrowest segment= bottleneck of facial nerve 

Facial nerve has two bends : 1st genu has geniculate ganglion 

                                              2nd genu 

Facial nerve has 3 branches in the ear :

1) branch from 1st genu : greater superficial petrosal nerve supllies the lacrimal glands 

2) branch from second genu : nerve to stapedius 

3) from vertical segment : chorda tympani nerve , supplies taste sensation to anterior two third of tongue .

BELL'S PALSY : Idiopathic sudden onset LMN facial palsy .Recent studies suggested the role of HSV as etiology . 
Forehead muscles because it is lower motor neuron disease . 

Note : In upper motor neuron forehead muscles aren't paralysed . 
 DOC for Bell's palsy : Oral steroids for 3 weeks . recovery is seen in 85% of cases, very good recovery .

Treatment of Bell's palsy :  1) Care of the eye : Artificial tear drops to prevent exposure keratitis 

2) Acylovir : If patient present within 3 days . 

3) Physiotherapy  

If a patient of Bell's palsy is not improving after 3 weeks , do electrophysiological nerve testing , electroneuronography . If in ENG nerve degeneration is more than 90% then Facial nerve decompression has to be done .( Remove facial nerve from canal ) 

If in ENG degeneration is less than 90% continue with steroid .

Recurrence of Bell's palsy is low , 4.5 to 15% .

Herpes Zoster Oticus : Also known as Ramsay Hunt Syndrome .
 Etiology : Varicella Zoster Virus 

VZV harbours a ganglion and reactivates . 

C/F : Vesicles over pinna and external auditory canal . It is LMN facial palsy . 

8th nerve involvement : SNHL , vertigo 

5th nerve involvement : anaesthesia of face 

DOC : Acyclovir 
 Recovery is seen in 50% of cases . 

Poor prognosis . 

Causes of bilateral facial palsy : 1) Sarcoidosis 2) DM 3) Infectious mononucleosis 4)Lime's disease 


1 ) Recurrent facial palsy 

2) Fissuring of tongue 

3) Swelling of lips .

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