Q 1.The characteristic pattern of calcification seen in spleen in the non contrast CT section of abdomen shown in the image above is seen in
A Tuberculosis
B. Histoplasmosis
C. Brucellosis✅
D Melioidosis
Explanation :
This characteristic concentric layers of calcification giving a target appearance is seen in Splenic Brucellosis
2.Typically bilateral inferior subluxation of lens is seen in :
A. Marfan’s syndrome
B. Homocystinuria
C. Hyperinsulinemia
D. Ocular trauma
Correct answer : B. Homocystinuria
Bilateral subluxation of lens:
Marfan’s syndrome – upwards and outwards
Homocystinuria – downwards and inwards
3.During acclimatization to high altitude all of the following take place except :
A. Increase in minute ventilation
B. Increase in the sensitivity of central chemoreceptors
C. Increase in the sensitivity of carotid body to hypoxia
D. Shift in the oxygen dissociation curve to the left
Correct answer : D. Shift in the oxygen dissociation curve to the left
During acclimatization, there is shift of oxygen dissociation curve to the right. This improves oxygen release into tissues.
4.Which of the following anticancer drugs is not derived
from plants?
(a) Irinotecan
(b) Doxorubicin ✅✅
(c) Paclitaxel
(d) Etoposide
5.Resistance to methotrexate develops due to ?
(a) Rapid cancer cell multiplication
(b) Deficiency of thymidylate kinase
(c) Deficiency of thymidylate synthetase
(d) Increased production of dihydrofolate reductase ✅✅
6.All are true regarding sunitinib except –
(a) It inhibits tyrosine kinase
(b) It is used for renal cell carcinoma
(c) It is used for the treatment of GIST
(d) It is excreted primarily in urine✅✅
7.A patient has subclinical folate deficiency. All of the
following drugs can precipitate megaloblastic anemia
in this patient except:
(a) Alcohol
(b) Phenytoin
(c) Chloroquine ✅✅
(d) Sulfasalzine
8.Which of the following is given to treat
thrombocytopenia secondary to anti-cancer therapy and
is known to stimulate progenitor megakaryocytes?
(a) Filgrastim
(b) Oprelvekin ✅✅
(c) Erythropoietin
(d) Iron dextran
9.All of the following are characteristic features of
treatment of iron deficiency anemia with oral iron
supplements, except:
(a) If 200-300 mg elemental iron is consumed, about
50 mg is absorbed
(b) The proportion of iron absorbed reduces as hemo-
globin improves
(c) The reticulocyte count should begin to increase in
two weeks and peak in 4 weeks—this suggests good
response to treatment
(d) The treatment should be discontinued immediately
once hemoglobin normalizes to prevent side effects
of iron. ✅✅
Shubham Gupta:
Q.10: Which of the following infestation leads to malabsorption?
A) Giardia lamblia.✅✅
B) Ascaris lumbricoides.
C) Necater Americana.
D) Ancylostoma duodenale.
Q.11: A 27-year old sexually active male develops a vesiculobullous lesion on the glans soon after taking tablet paracetamol for fever. The lesion healed with hyperpigmentation. The most likely diagnosis is:
A) Behcet’s syndrome.
B) Herpes genitalis.
C) Fixed drug eruption.✅✅
D) Pemphigus vulgaris.
Q.12: All of the following can cause osteoporosis, except.
A) Hyperparathyroidism.
B) Steroid use.
C) Fluorosis.✅✅
D) Thyrotoxicosis.
Q.13: Hypercalcemia associated with malignancy is most often mediated by:
A) Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
B) Parathyroid hormone related protein (PTHrP).✅✅
C) Interleukin – 6 (IL-6)
D) Calcitonin.
Q.14All of the following are the causes of relative Polycythemia except:
A) Dehydration.
B) Dengue hemorrhagic fever.
C) Gaisbock syndrome.
D) High altitude. ✅✅
Occulomotor nerve palsy causes all except :
a) Miosis
b) Ptosis
c) Outward eye deviation
d) Diplopia
Correct answer : a) Miosis
Occulomotor nerve supplies:
15.Superior rectus
Inferior rectus
Medial rectus
Inferior oblique
Levator palpebrae superioris
Parasympathetic supply from ciliary ganglion to sphincter pupillae and ciliary body

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