Mcqs series 3

101. Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is caused by a deficiency of the branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complex , leading to a buildup of the branched-chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine)

102. The SMA lies to the left of the SMV as it crosses over the third portion of the duodenum. ( Clinical Importance : to check malrotation )

103. Meta-analysis is best for Probiotics' Trial.

104. Vertical crest in fundus of internal auditory canal is - Bill's Bar.

105. Sphincter of oddi has 3 sphincters.

106. Sheath surrounding the neurovascular bundle in axilla is derived from - Prevertebral fascia.

107. 1st part of duodenum has duodenal cap/bulb.

108. Spleen projects into Greater sac.

109. Axillary abscess is drained safely through Floor.

110. The primary direct stimulus for excitation of central chemoreceptors -  H+ increase.

111. Breast Milk is Contraindicated in Galactosemia

112. If Mother Sputum +ve TB - Still give breast milk to baby ( with 6months course of 5mg/kg INH )

113. Mother with HIV - Never mix feed i.e give exclusive trophic feed or give expressed milk of other women )

114. Mother to Child transmission of HbsAg - Prevent by 
  • HBIG within 12 hr of life
  • Vaccine on day 1 of life.
115. Anti HbsAb Protective Titre - > 10 mIU / ml

116. Liver biopsy in Alpha 1 anti-tripsin deficiency : PAS +ve and Diastase resistant granules

117. CMV : Intranuclear Owl eye inclusion bodies.

118. Nystagmus induced by Valsalva maneuver :
  • Chiari Malformation
  • Perilymph fistula
  • Superior Canal dehiscence syndrome
119. GABA is formed from Pyridoxine.

120. If pregnant lady shows Rubella antibody +ve : It means she is immune to rubella during her pregnancy and need not worry for rubella infection.

121. Various types of vasculitis produce aneurysms in many portions of the aorta and its branches, but Takayasu arteritis is the only type of aortitis that produces stenosis in the thoracic aorta.

(ref: Miller SM. Thoracic aortic diseases.)

122. Noonan Syndrome has Phenotype as that of Turner syndrome but Normal Karyotype (XX or XY).

123. Earliest disease for which enzyme supplementation / replacement therapy introduced - Gaucher's disease.

124. 1st disease for which Gene therapy introduced - SCID 

125. The dystrophin gene is the largest gene found in nature.

126. Down's syndrome in a baby of young mother is most commonly due to - Robertsonian translocation , not trisomy.

127. Maternal Lithium - Ebstein Anomaly - Box shaped heart.

128. Most common heart tumor - Atrial Myxomas

129. Umblical cord - 2 arteries 1 vein ( Right umblical vein disappears ).

130. The Pulmonary vascular resistance falls fairly rapid to reach Normal adult values by 2-3 wks in normal babies.
In VSD and PDA , it takes 6-10 wks.

131. Cat eye syndrome :
  • Partial trisomy of chromosome 22
  • Vertical oval pupil due to inferior iris coloboma
132. Single S2 in Tetrology of fallot.

133. All newborns have right ventricular hypertrophy and right axis deviation.

134. AA which have a pKa of 4 - aspartic acid and glutamic acid

135. Topoisomerase I (relaxase) 
  • makes ssDNA cuts, 
  • requires no ATP, 
  • relaxes supercoils, and 
  • acts as the swivel in front of the replication fork
136. 10 ATPs are generated per acetylCoA. (3NADH + 1FADH2 + 1GTP) {NADH = 2.5ATP; FADH2 = 1.5ATP}

137. Ketogenic AAs - Leucine and Lysine

138. Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) associated enzymes :
  • Alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
  • Pyruvate dehydrogenase
  • Transketolase
139. DNA replication occurs during S phase of the cell cycle.

140. Rise in conjugated (direct) bilirubin seen in Rotor syndrome and Dubin–Johnson syndrome.

141. BP 120/80 is HTN in child <12yrs.

142. Sodium nitropuruside should not be given for >72hrs - else thiocynate toxicity will occur.

143. Sodium nitropuruside and Lineazolid are sensitive to light.

144. In PSVT , QRS is normal and P wave is either absent or inverted.

145. Wheeze/Rhonchi - whistling sound - means air trapped in bronchioles : Seen in
  • Asthma (Adults)
  • Bronchiolitis ( < 2year old )
146. Klinefelter syndrome is usually not be diagnosed until puberty.

147. NADPH oxidase deficient in chronic granulomatous disease of childhood.

148. Rhabdomyoma (benign cardiac tumor) is associated with tuberous sclerosis.

149. Type I thyroplasty is used for Medialization of cord.

150. Vitamin K dependent coagulation factors are
  • II
  • VII
  • IX
  • X
  • protein C and S

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