
Showing posts from March, 2018


DISEASES OF MIDDLE EAR CLEFT             ASOM  ( Acute Suppurative Otitis Media ) : It is the infection of middle ear mucosa by pyogenic organism . Infection reaches middle ear via Eustachian tube from pharynx .  MC organism : Streptococcus pneumoniae    C/c : Earache On examination : Tympanic membrane is red , capillaries of tympanic membrane are dilated ( cart wheel appearance ) Treatment : Medical management   Note : In ASOM patient if there is severe earache plus red bulging tympanic membrane treatment of choice is Myringotomy .Myringotomy for ASOM is done for posteroinferior quadrant .    In ASOM in case of perforation if the ear is kept dry it heals by itself . If it remains wet skin grows at the margin of perforation . ​     ACUTE MASTOIDITIS         It is the infection of mastoid air cell system . It is the complication of ASOM or CSOM .  ...

Middle Ear Anatomy

Middle Ear Anatomy   :     # 3 parts : i) mesotympanum (6mm) ii) epitympanum ( a/k/a attic  2mm ) iii) hypotympanum (4mm)     # Bone which covers the attic is called Scutum .     # 6 walls of middle ear :                          i) Roof = Tegmen tympani , above the     roof lies the dura of temporal bone                          ii) Floor = below the floor lies Jugular bulb ( dilatation of lateral sinus )                          iii) Anterior wall = 2 opening : a)  for tensor tympani muscle ( supplied by mandibular division of Trigeminal Nerve )                                   ...


TYMPANIC MEMBRANE    # It is a pearly grey in colour # Oval 9-10 mm in diameter # surface area 90 sq mm # Outer part is more mobile than central part . # The effective surface area is 55 sq mm . # It is lying at an angle of 55 degree with horizontal  # Posterosuperior part is more lateral than anterolateral part . # Shows mobility on Seigelisation ( Putting air pressure on ear drum )  # Landmarks : 1 ) Handle of Malleus 2 ) Lateral process of malleus 3) Cone of light produced by refecltion of light from handle of malleus . Seen in  right ear at 5 o' clock position and Left ear at 7 o' clock position . 5 ) Umbo                                                 IT has 2 part 1) Pars Tensa : which again has 3 layers a) SKIN                             ...

Some Diseases of External Ear

Some Diseases of External Ear  Malignant Otitis Externa : I t is infection of underlying bone . It is skull base osteomyelitis .           Seen in elderly diabetics .       Caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa         C/F severe pain in the ear  . On examination of EAC blood stained ear discharge seen . # Facial nerve most commonly involved nerve . 9th, 10th , 11rth and 12th nerve can also be involved .  # Diagnosis :: Tc bone scan  # Monitoring of prognosis : Gallium bone scan  , ESR  # DOC : 3rd generation cephalosporin ( Ceftazidime, Cefoperazone ) OR Ciprofloxacin  # If not relieved by drugs then do surgical debridement  OTOMYCOSIS :   Fungal infection of EAC .   # MC fungus: Aspergilus Niger , Candida Albicans  # It forms a mass in EAC which is moist whitish and with black pores (=Wet news paper appearance ) ...


     PINNA        P)inna is made of yellow elastic cartilage which is again covered by skin .Skin is closely attached to cartilage on lateral surface but loose on medial ( back ) surface .  Nerve supply of pinna :    Lobule of pinna : Greater auricular nerve . Medial surface :  Lesser occipital nerve . Lateral surface : Auriculotemporal nerve . Concha of pinna : Auricular branch of vagus and few fibres of facial nerve .        Cauliflower are or boxer's ear : Post traumatic deformity = Subperichondrial hemorrhage  External Auditory Canal ::  24 mm in length . Outer 8mm cartilagenous , inner 16 mm bony . EAC is lined by skin . Outer part has hair follicles and ceruminous gland .  EAC skin migrated outwards and hence brings the dead skin and tissues out . If this migration is absent , it leads to accumulation of dead tissues and wax in EAC as a large expansile mass   ...

Embryology of Ear : Most commonly asked questions

Embryology of EAR  Line of incision between Pinna and tragus is called Incisura Terminalis . If this union is not complete , it is called preauricular sinus . If it is asymptomatic no treatment required .  Small pinna = Microtia  Absent pinna = Anotia Pinna development completed by 20th week .  Normal shaped pinna has 2 curveture : Helix and Antihelix .  If antihelix is absent it is called Bat Ear                                           Bat EAR   Note: Plastic reconstruction of pinna is done by 6 years of age .            Because pinna attained full size by that year of age .  Size of ossicles :  Malleus > Incus > Stapes ( MIS)  . Stapes is the smallest bone in human body .  ​ ​ Chochlea has 2 and half turn .If cochlea has one and ...

About us

This website contains study material prepared by a group of medicos for preparation of NEET PG . Competition for grabbing a seat for medical post graduation is becoming tougher and tougher. This is because in India the ratio of passed MBBS and post graduation seats is quite unfair leading to large backlog of aspirants .Entrance examination which is conducted by NBE is changing its face too frequently . Just a year back it was prometric  which changes suddenly to single paper based with negative marks in last year , i.e 2017 . Multiple coaching institutes are booming up with a burden of huge fee structure . We too were medicos  and we have cracked seats recently . We are here to help our juniors . The main 'mantra' of success is ' Stick to your notes' . WE are trying to generate free online notes which can be printed out easily and of course free of cost .BEST OF LUCK GUYS !!!!


HI There! Are you a medical NEET PG aspirant ? If yes , you are in right  place !! This website contains tons of study material for NEET PG Entrance preparation . Just Explore!!