DISEASES OF MIDDLE EAR CLEFT ASOM ( Acute Suppurative Otitis Media ) : It is the infection of middle ear mucosa by pyogenic organism . Infection reaches middle ear via Eustachian tube from pharynx . MC organism : Streptococcus pneumoniae C/c : Earache On examination : Tympanic membrane is red , capillaries of tympanic membrane are dilated ( cart wheel appearance ) Treatment : Medical management Note : In ASOM patient if there is severe earache plus red bulging tympanic membrane treatment of choice is Myringotomy .Myringotomy for ASOM is done for posteroinferior quadrant . In ASOM in case of perforation if the ear is kept dry it heals by itself . If it remains wet skin grows at the margin of perforation . ACUTE MASTOIDITIS It is the infection of mastoid air cell system . It is the complication of ASOM or CSOM . ...