mcqs series 2

51. Three important syndromes of the first and second pharyngeal arches:
  • Treacher Collins syndrome (TCS), 
  • Oculo-auriculo-vertebral syndrome (AOVS) and 
  • Auriculo-Condylar syndrome (ACS) or question mark ear syndrome.

52. Achlasia Cardia - uncoordinated, non-progressive contraction within the esophageal body
      BUT The hallmark symptom of achalasia is progressive dysphagia.

53. The mandible is not part of the cranium nor part of the facial skeleton.

54. There are 2 things - Threshold level and a discriminatory level for the appearance of a gestational sac 
      on USG
      The threshold level identifies the earliest one can expect to see a sac (4 weeks, 3 days), and 
      The discriminatory level identifies when one should always see the sac (5 weeks, 2 days).

55. Fluoroscopy is a real-time x-ray viewed on a video monitor, provides information about moving organs.
      Examples include motion of the diaphragm or chest wall during respiration and left ventricular
      contraction during systole. During fluoroscopy, the patient can be turned obliquely, to eliminate
      overlapping of structures.

56. Digitalis toxicity is precipitated by HypoKalemia , but its manifestation is HyperKalemia.

57. Beta Thallesemia minor -- HbA2 increased
      Beta Thall interm/major -- HbF increased

58. The left pulmonary artery lies above the left main bronchus before passing posteriorly, whereas on
      the right side the artery is anterior to the bronchus resulting in the right hilum being the lower.

59. Least CO2 -- in Anatomical Dead Space -- At the END Inspiratory Phase.

60. Central Chemoreceptors are not sensitive to Hypoxia.

61. Middle genicular artery pierces the oblique popliteal ligament of the knee joint.

62. Among Benzodiazepine - Lorazepam causes the longest duration of antegrade amnesia.

63. Pressure relief valve is not required for Cyclopropane.
     (Pressure relief valve is a mechanical device that eliminates system overpressure by allowing the
     controlled or emergency escape of liquid or gas from a pressurized system. The relief valve may or may
     not be adjustable.)

64. Each 1ml of O2 liquid -- 840 ml gas.

65. The auricular branch of the vagus nerve is often termed the Alderman's nerve or Arnold's nerve.

66. Failure of the sinus of His to obliterate that is believed to be the cause of the development of branchial cleft cysts, fistulas, or sinuses.

67. Red Ribbon -- Aids Awareness.
      Pink Ribbon -- Breast Cancer Awareness.

68. Father of Orthopaedics -- " Sir Nicholas Andre "

69. Blair's procedure -- Arthrodesis of ankle joint.

70. Darrach osteotomy -- done in Made Lung Deformity.

71. Partial or Complete loss of bone seen on X-Ray is Pathognomonic of Fracture. 

72. Godfrey Hounsfield won the 1979 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for developing CT, shared with Allan M. McCormack.

73. The atypical ribs : 1st, 2nd, 11th, and 12th ribs.

74. Cuffed ET tube - Cuff pressure should never exceed 30 cm of H2O (preferably 25cm).

75. PVC - ET tubes use High Volume Low Pressure cuffs. (therefore suitable for long duration).

76. FDA approved Raxibacumab to treat " inhalational anthrax " - First monoclonal antibody approved
      using the Animal Efficacy Rule.

77. Major carrier of Nitrogen by products from most tissues in the body is Glutamine.

78. Keloid is a result of an overgrowth of granulation tissue (collagen type 3) at the site of a healed skin injury which is then slowly replaced by collagen type 1.

79. Median umbilical ligament is the remnant of the urachus, which joined the apex of the fetal bladder to the umbilicus.

80. Medial umbilical ligaments are formed by occluded parts of the Umbilical arteries.

81. Hilar cholangiocarcinoma is the most common among Cholangiocarcinomas.

82. Maximum content of tryglyceride is found in- Chylomicrons

83. Maximum content of Exogenous tryglyceride is found in-Chylomicrons

84. Maximum content of Endogenous tryglyceride is found in- VLDL

85. Maximum content of Cholesterol is found in- LDL

86. N2O can be Teratogenic

87. Central pontine myelinolysis seen with correction of hyponatremia.

88. Best test for Malignant Hyperthermia - "Caffeine-halothane contracture test".

89. Neuroaxial block - INR should be < 1.4.

90. Protein intake in ICU : 1 - 1.5 g/kg/day.

91. Most common ophthalmic complication during anaesthesia : Corneal abrasion.

92. History of Post dural puncture headache is NOT a contraindication of Epidural block.

93. Flat Capnogram 

  • Accidental Extubation
  • Dissociation of anaesthetic tube
  • Mechanical ventilation failing
94. O2 content of anaesthetic mixture : 33%

95. Preanaesthetic drug which causes longest amnesia : Lorazepalm

96. Anaesthetic with Least decrease in Systemic vascular resistance : Halothane

97. Malignant Hyperthermia :
  • Hyperthermia
  • DIC
  • Respiratory Acidosis

98. Dextrose fluid is NEVER used for Resuscitation.

99. Opioid given as transdermal : Fentanyl

100. Drug of choice for Asystole and Cardiac arrest : Adrenaline

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